Life Saver – Lesley
Several months ago and for quite a number of years I was in a very dark place. I was in danger of losing my job, my life I was in a world of hopelessness. I felt I didn’t have a reason to go on! Then I bought a magazine (Good Health) and read an article about how a lady (Caterina Ligato) had saved a person’s life through spiritual healing. I made contacted with Caterina and have been having healings for almost 5 months now. In all honesty I can truly say that Caterina has SAVED my life! I have a totally new outlook on life, I cannot describe how she has made me feel except to say I am enjoying and embracing life for the first time in almost 10 years.Caterina I owe you my life and to anyone else who wants their life back contact Caterina, I can highly, highly recommend her and as I say to people I talk to and people I look after, this lady is a miracle worker! God Bless.
Thanks you from the bottom of my heart for giving me my life back! Life is very good now!Lesley, anaesthetic nurse Sydney.